org.hibernate.reactive.bulk |
org.hibernate.reactive.common |
org.hibernate.reactive.common.spi |
org.hibernate.reactive.context |
Strategies for associating state with the current reactive stream.
org.hibernate.reactive.engine |
Reactive adaptations of Hibernate ORM's persistence actions.
org.hibernate.reactive.event |
Handlers for reactive session events.
org.hibernate.reactive.example.nativesql |
org.hibernate.reactive.example.session |
org.hibernate.reactive.exception |
| |
Reactive identifier generation.
| |
org.hibernate.reactive.loader |
Reactive entity, collection, and query loaders.
org.hibernate.reactive.loader.collection |
Reactive collection loaders.
org.hibernate.reactive.loader.entity |
Reactive entity loaders.
org.hibernate.reactive.mutiny |
An API for Hibernate Reactive where non-blocking operations are
represented by a Mutiny Uni .
org.hibernate.reactive.pool |
org.hibernate.reactive.provider |
Integration with Hibernate ORM, via the service architecture, along
with APIs for starting and configuring Hibernate Reactive.
org.hibernate.reactive.provider.service |
org.hibernate.reactive.session |
Defines internal contracts between subsystems of Hibernate Reactive
and the ReactiveSession .
org.hibernate.reactive.stage |
An API for Hibernate Reactive where non-blocking operations are
represented by a Java CompletionStage .
org.hibernate.reactive.tuple |
org.hibernate.reactive.vertx |
Integration with Vert.x.