Uses of Package
Packages that use org.hibernate.reactive.common Package Description org.hibernate.reactive.common org.hibernate.reactive.mutiny An API for Hibernate Reactive where non-blocking operations are represented by a MutinyUni
.org.hibernate.reactive.session Defines internal contracts between subsystems of Hibernate Reactive and theReactiveSession
.org.hibernate.reactive.stage An API for Hibernate Reactive where non-blocking operations are represented by a JavaCompletionStage
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Classes in org.hibernate.reactive.common used by org.hibernate.reactive.common Class Description Identifier Represents a value of an attribute that forms part of the natural key of an entity.Identifier.Id -
Classes in org.hibernate.reactive.common used by org.hibernate.reactive.mutiny Class Description AffectedEntities A description of the entities and tables affected by a native query.Identifier Represents a value of an attribute that forms part of the natural key of an entity.ResultSetMapping Represents the shape of a native SQL query result set, as specified by an instance of the annotationSqlResultSetMapping
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Classes in org.hibernate.reactive.common used by org.hibernate.reactive.session Class Description ResultSetMapping Represents the shape of a native SQL query result set, as specified by an instance of the annotationSqlResultSetMapping
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Classes in org.hibernate.reactive.common used by org.hibernate.reactive.stage Class Description AffectedEntities A description of the entities and tables affected by a native query.Identifier Represents a value of an attribute that forms part of the natural key of an entity.ResultSetMapping Represents the shape of a native SQL query result set, as specified by an instance of the annotationSqlResultSetMapping