Hibernate Reactive API documentation (2.4.5.Final)
Hibernate Reactive is a reactive API for Hibernate ORM, supporting non-blocking database drivers and a reactive style of interaction with the database.
The central APIs are defined as inner interfaces of
, for programs using Mutiny reactive streams, andStage
, for programs using Java'sCompletionStage
may be obtained by
calling EntityManagerFactory.unwrap(Class)
The public API is organized into the following packages:
org.hibernate.reactive.mutiny | — | APIs specific to usage with Mutiny reactive streams |
org.hibernate.reactive.stage | — | APIs specific to usage with CompletionStage |
org.hibernate.reactive.common | — | APIs common to both kinds of reactive stream |
org.hibernate.reactive.id | — | SPI for plugin custom identifier generation |
org.hibernate.reactive.pool | — | SPI for plugin custom connection pooling |
org.hibernate.reactive.vertx | — | SPI for plugin custom integration with Vert.x |
SPIs are implemented as Hibernate services.
Packages not listed above are considered non-public and are subject to change without notice.