Hibernate Reactive API documentation (3.0.0.Beta2)

Hibernate Reactive is a reactive API for Hibernate ORM, supporting non-blocking database drivers and a reactive style of interaction with the database.

The central APIs are defined as inner interfaces of

An instance of Mutiny.SessionFactory or Stage.SessionFactory may be obtained by calling EntityManagerFactory.unwrap(Class).

The public API is organized into the following packages:

org.hibernate.reactive.mutiny APIs specific to usage with Mutiny reactive streams
org.hibernate.reactive.stage APIs specific to usage with CompletionStage
org.hibernate.reactive.common APIs common to both kinds of reactive stream
org.hibernate.reactive.id SPI for plugin custom identifier generation
org.hibernate.reactive.pool SPI for plugin custom connection pooling
org.hibernate.reactive.vertx SPI for plugin custom integration with Vert.x

SPIs are implemented as Hibernate services.

Packages not listed above are considered non-public and are subject to change without notice.

APIs common to both Stage and Mutiny.
Strategies for associating state with the current reactive stream.
Reactive adaptations of Hibernate ORM's persistence actions.
Handlers for reactive session events.
Reactive identifier generation.
An API for Hibernate Reactive where non-blocking operations are represented by a Mutiny Uni.
Abstracts reactive database access via ReactiveConnection and ReactiveConnectionPool.
Integration with Hibernate ORM, via the service architecture, along with APIs for starting and configuring Hibernate Reactive.
Defines internal contracts between subsystems of Hibernate Reactive and the ReactiveSession.
An API for Hibernate Reactive where non-blocking operations are represented by a Java CompletionStage.
Integration with Vert.x.