All Classes and Interfaces

An implementation of InformationExtractor that obtains metadata information from a database's information_schema.
A description of the entities and tables affected by a native query.
A ReactiveConnection that automatically performs batching of insert, update, and delete statements, relieving the client persister code of the responsibility to manage batching.
Abstracts away from the Vert.x Context object, enabling alternative strategies for associating state with the current reactive stream.
An object that identifies something we store in the Vert.x local context, usually a Session or StatelessSession, but in principle anything at all.
Represents a value of an attribute that forms part of the natural key of an entity.
Allows access to object that can be useful for integrators
Commonly used assertions to verify that the operations are running on the expected events and threads.
Demonstrates the use of Hibernate Reactive with the CompletionStage-based API.
Demonstrates the use of Hibernate Reactive with the CompletionStage-based API.
An API for Hibernate Reactive where non-blocking operations are represented by a Mutiny Uni.
A non-blocking counterpart to the Hibernate Query interface, allowing reactive execution of HQL and JPQL queries.
An object whose Mutiny.Closeable.close() method returns a Uni.
A non-blocking counterpart to the Hibernate Session interface, allowing a reactive style of interaction with the database.
Factory for reactive sessions.
A non-blocking counterpart to the Hibernate StatelessSession interface, which provides a command-oriented API for performing bulk operations against a database.
Allows code within Mutiny.Session.withTransaction(Function) to mark a transaction for rollback.
Demonstrates the use of Hibernate Reactive with the Mutiny-based API.
Demonstrates the use of Hibernate Reactive with the Mutiny-based API.
An implementation of AbstractReactiveInformationSchemaBasedExtractorImpl specifically for MySQL that obtains metadata from MySQL's non-standard information_schema tables.
Replaces the JdbcParameterRendererInitiator so to not require users to set AvailableSettings.DIALECT_NATIVE_PARAM_MARKERS : this gets enforces as the Vert.x SQL clients require it.
A dummy Hibernate ConnectionProvider throws an exception if a JDBC connection is requested.
A Hibernate service initiator that wraps the Hibernate ConnectionProvider in an instance of NoJdbcConnectionProvider.
A Hibernate service initiator that provides an implementation of JdbcEnvironment that infers the Hibernate Dialect from the JDBC URL.
A dummy Hibernate MultiTenantConnectionProvider which throws an exception if a JDBC connection is requested.
A Hibernate service initiator for the non-configured form of JTA platform.
An implementation of AbstractReactiveInformationSchemaBasedExtractorImpl specifically for PostgreSQL that obtains metadata from PostgreSQL's system tables, when it is not available from PosgreSQL's information_schema.
The rules of the benchmark frequently require randomly generated numbers in the range from 1 to 10000.
With this interface we can have multiple delete coordinators that extend AbstractDeleteCoordinator.
A reactive counterpart to ActionQueue, where DML operations are queued before execution during a flush.
Reactive version of AfterLoadAction
Contract representing some process that needs to occur during after transaction completion.
Connection has a method Connection.createArrayOf(String, Object[]), but we don't have it in Vert.x SQL Client.
Contract representing some process that needs to occur during before transaction completion.
Abstracts over reactive database connections, defining operations that allow queries to be executed asynchronously via CompletionStage.
A Hibernate Service that provides access to pooled reactive connections.
A source of ReactiveConnections.
Defines the contract for handling of deletion events generated from a session.
An operation that is scheduled for later non-blocking execution in an ReactiveActionQueue.
Defines the contract for handling of reactive session flush events.
Adaptor that redirects DDL generated by the schema export tool to the reactive connection.
A replacement for IdentifierGenerator, which supports a non-blocking method for obtaining the generated identifier.
Map a JSON column as JsonObject
Ways this consumer can handle in-memory row de-duplication
Defines the contract for handling of load events generated from a session.
Defines the contract for handling of lock events generated from a session.
This service is only used to "mark" the registry as being intended for use by an instance of Hibernate Reactive.
A singleton ReactiveMarkerService that marks the registry as running in "Reactive mode" allowing the registration of reactive components.
Defines the contract for handling of merge events generated from a session.
A JPA PersistenceProvider for Hibernate Reactive.
Define the persisters required by Hibernate Reactive, usually a reactive version of the ones in Hibernate ORM.
A Hibernate service initiator that creates a ReactivePersisterClassResolver to register the persisters Hibernate Reactive needs.
Defines the contract for handling of create events generated from a session.
Executes queries in a non-blocking fashion.
Defines the contract for handling of refresh events generated from a session.
Scoped to a single operation, so that we can keep instance scoped state.
Adaptation of StandardServiceRegistryBuilder; the main difference is the use of a different initial set of services and the fact this will not attempt to load service contributors and other Integrators.
A contract with the Hibernate session backing the user-visible reactive session.
A Hibernate service initiator that wraps the Hibernate ConnectionProvider in an instance of NoJdbcConnectionProvider.
Reactive version of SingleIdEntityLoader.
Reactive loader subtype for loading an entity by a single unique-key value.
Custom variations for SqmMultiTableMutationStrategyProvider
An internal contract between the reactive session implementation and the Stage.Query and Mutiny.Query APIs.
Mutiny A contract with the Hibernate stateless session backing the user-visible reactive session.
A reactive UpdateCoordinator that allows the creation of a ReactiveScopedUpdateCoordinator scoped to a single update operation.
Reactive version of UpdateCoordinatorStandard, but it cannot be shared between multiple update operations.
Represents the shape of a native SQL query result set, as specified by an instance of the annotation SqlResultSetMapping.
Configuration properties for the Hibernate Reactive persistence provider, for use with ReactiveServiceRegistryBuilder.
An implementation of AbstractReactiveInformationSchemaBasedExtractorImpl specifically for SQL Server that obtains metadata from SQL Server's system tables, when it is not available from SQL Server's information_schema.
An API for Hibernate Reactive where non-blocking operations are represented by a Java CompletionStage.
A non-blocking counterpart to the Hibernate Query interface, allowing reactive execution of HQL and JPQL queries.
An object whose Stage.Closeable.close() method returns a CompletionStage.
A non-blocking counterpart to the Hibernate Session interface, allowing a reactive style of interaction with the database.
Factory for reactive sessions.
A non-blocking counterpart to the Hibernate StatelessSession interface, which provides a command-oriented API for performing bulk operations against a database.
Allows code within Stage.Session.withTransaction(Function) to mark a transaction for rollback.
Used by DefaultSqlClientPool and VertxContext to obtain an instance of Vertx.
Make it easier to run benchmarks with external tools like "wrk"
Make it easier to run benchmarks with external tools like "wrk"