Hibernate Validator

Migration Guide

This page contains everything you need to know when upgrading from one Hibernate Validator version to another.




Starting with Hibernate Validator 9.0, we are no longer publishing relocation POMs for the older group id org.hibernate previously used by the following artifacts:

  • org.hibernate:hibernate-validator-annotation-processor

  • org.hibernate:hibernate-validator-cdi

  • org.hibernate:hibernate-validator

As a reminder: org.hibernate.validator is the current group id for Hibernate Validator artifacts.



Predefined scope validator factory now may add more beans and constraints besides the ones provided through the PredefinedScopeHibernateValidatorConfiguration. These beans and constraints are added based on the metadata from the validation.xml and related validation constraint mapping XMLs. To get the previous behavior, PredefinedScopeHibernateValidatorConfiguration#includeBeansAndConstraintsDefinedOnlyInXml(..) can be called passing false as a parameter.


  • Removals of deprecated constraints:

    • org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Email: a corresponding Jakarta Validation alternative jakarta.validation.constraints.Email has been available since Bean Validation 2.0.

    • org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotBlank: a corresponding Jakarta Validation alternative jakarta.validation.constraints.NotBlank has been available since Bean Validation 2.0.

    • org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotEmpty: a corresponding Jakarta Validation alternative jakarta.validation.constraints.NotEmpty has been available since Bean Validation 2.0.

    • org.hibernate.validator.constraints.ModCheck: a corresponding, more specific, Hibernate Validator alternatives org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Mod10Check/org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Mod11Check have been available since 5.1.

  • Deprecated configuration property hibernate.validator.constraint_mapping_contributor removed. An alternative hibernate.validator.constraint_mapping_contributors accepting multiple comma-separated contributors has been available since 5.3.

  • Retrieving the parameter names via reflection is enabled by default since 6.0, hence the deprecated at that time ReflectionParameterNameProvider is now removed.

  • The deprecated PredefinedScopeHibernateValidatorConfiguration#initializeLocales(..) is removed since it is a part of an incubating API and has been deprecated since the introduction of an alternative BaseHibernateValidatorConfiguration#locales(..) in 6.1.1.

  • The deprecated AnnotationProcessingOptions is removed, since an alternative AnnotationIgnoreOptions has been available since 6.0.

  • The deprecated DSL PropertyTarget#property(..) method is removed as a more precise alternatives PropertyTarget#getter(..) and PropertyTarget#field(..) have been available since 6.1.




  • With java.lang.SecurityManager being deprecated for removal without an alternative for some time now, it is time to remove the Security Manager integration from Hibernate Validator. Starting with this version Hibernate Validator will not consider Security Manager rules anymore.

  • Hibernate Validator stops publishing some of the previously published modules. Most of them were not supposed to be used by the end users. The list of the modules with reasons why they aren’t published is provided below:

    • hibernate-validator-modules: with the most recent versions of WildFly this method of patching the server is no longer available. While there are alternatives, patching of validation modules in WildFly will not be provided by Hibernate Validator at this moment.

    • hibernate-validator-performance: a set of performance tests that have no value for the end users.

    • hibernate-validator-build-config: build configurations required to compile/package the artifacts, but which have no value for the end users.

    • hibernate-validator-tck-runner: a test harness that helps running Jakarta Validation TCK and have no value for the end users.

    • hibernate-validator-integrationtest-wildfly: a set of tests that have no value for the end users.

    • hibernate-validator-parent: with published artifact flattening the pom files, publishing the parent POM is no longer required.

    • hibernate-validator-documentation: documentation is published to the documentation page.

    • hibernate-validator-distribution: is published to SourceForge and has no use for those leveraging Maven repositories.

  • From now on, Hibernate Validator CDI extension will not allow injecting the org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine.ValidatorFactoryImpl and org.hibernate.validator.internal.engine.ValidatorImpl types, i.e. @Inject ValidatorFactoryImpl factory; or @Inject ValidatorImpl validator; will fail. It is still possible to inject these as any of the public interfaces they implement, e.g. @Inject HibernateValidatorFactory factory; or @Inject Validator validator;/@Inject ExecutableValidator validator;.



  • The GetterPropertySelectionStrategy SPI contract has been adjusted. The getGetterMethodNameCandidates() method now returns a List instead of a Set.


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  • Jakarta EE 10

  • The EL implementation to use is now org.glassfish.expressly:expressly:




  • Jakarta EE 9 (a.k.a. the big jakarta.* package change)

  • XML namespaces changed

  • @SafeHtml constraint dropped

  • Expression Language disabled for custom violations by default

  • Expression Language Bean methods execution disabled for constraints by default



  • @SafeHtml constraint dropped

  • Expression Language disabled for custom violations by default

  • Expression Language Bean methods execution disabled for constraints by default



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  • @SafeHtml has been deprecated and marked for future removal.



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No migration concerns.


  • @SafeHtml has been deprecated and marked for future removal.


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  • If you are using our CDI integration, be sure that all the beans you want to validate have a Bean Validation annotation (be it a constraint, @Valid or @ValidateOnExecution). If you need to add an annotation, just add a simple @ValidateOnExecution to the class. This limitation was present until 6.0.10.Final and is now back due to a nasty startup time regression of CDI applications.


  • We removed the StaticFieldELResolver from our javax.el resolver list. This feature was added during the 6.x cycle and never documented. If you want to call methods from your EL expressions, just inject an object containing the methods as a variable.


  • A few validation messages have been changed to be more consistent. That being said, you should rely on the constraint annotation to categorize your violations rather than on the message.

  • We fixed an issue with the JPATraversableResolver not being initialized correctly (and thus we we using the default one): the JPATraversableResolver is now used by default in any JPA environment as it should be (thus Hibernate Validator will not validate or cascade lazily loaded properties not already loaded). If it is not the behavior you want, you can override the TraversableResolver for your ValidatorFactory. This regression was introduced in 6.0.3.Final.

  • We fixed the CDI extension to properly consider the annotations in the hierarchy of a class. Prior to 6.0.10.Final, if the considered class didn’t have any validation related annotations but its class hierarchies did, the annotations in the class hierarchy were ignored. This is no longer the case. Note: it worked OK if the considered class itself had at least one validation related annotation.


  • The constraint validator payload (incubating feature introduced in 6.0.8.Final) has been moved from the HibernateConstraintValidatorInitializationContext to the HibernateConstraintValidatorContext. See the documentation for more information.


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No migration concerns.

  • To improve the compatibility with the version previously shipped in WildFly, we reintroduced a few things removed in earlier versions of 6.0:

    • the hibernate.validator.constraint_mapping_contributor property (you may now use the hibernate.validator.constraint_mapping_contributors property)

    • ignoreAnnotations() in the constraint declaration API (you may now use ignoreAnnotations(boolean))

    • These features are deprecated and planned for removal so they will be removed at some point


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  • Hibernate Validator now throws an exception in every case if trying to perform validation on a property or a method not present in a bean (before this version, no errors were thrown if the bean was totally unconstrained and an error was thrown when validating method parameters but not when validating return values). More generally, sanity checks on the various Validator#validate…​() methods parameters are now always applied, even if the bean is unconstrained.


  • The group id of Hibernate Validator has changed from org.hibernate to org.hibernate.validator. Refer to the artifacts via org.hibernate.validator:hibernate-validator:6.0.0.Final, org.hibernate.validator:hibernate-validator-cdi:6.0.0.Final and org.hibernate.validator:hibernate-validator-annotation-processor:6.0.0.Final, respectively.

    To ease migration, relocation artifacts will be provided for the HV 6 release family. Examine the output of your build, if you see messages like "[WARNING] The artifact org.hibernate:hibernate-validator:jar:6.0.0.Alpha1 has been relocated to org.hibernate.validator:hibernate-validator:jar:6.0.0.Alpha1", you are still using the old GAV coordinates and should upgrade to the new ones.

    Also make sure to not depend on HV 5.x and HV 6.x at the same time (as the group ids are different, the dependency resolution algorithm of your build tool fails to detect that these are two versions of the same logical artifact).

  • Removal/change of experimental features in the favor of equivalent functionality standardized in Bean Validation 2.0:

    • The experimental contract org.hibernate.validator.spi.time.TimeProvider and related methods HibernateValidatorConfiguration#timeProvider(), HibernateValidatorContext#timeProvider() and HibernateConstraintValidatorContext#getTimeProvider() and related constant HibernateValidatorConfiguration#TIME_PROVIDER have been removed. Use javax.validation.ClockProvider as defined by BV 2.0 instead (HV-1135).

    • The experimental annotation org.hibernate.validator.valuehandling.UnwrapValidatedValue, enum org.hibernate.validator.valuehandling.UnwrapMode and the corresponding method unwrapValidatedValue() in the constraint declaration API have been removed in the favor of the new javax.validation.valueextraction.Unwrapping constraint payloads (HV-1207).

    • The experimental contract org.hibernate.validator.spi.valuehandling.ValidatedValueUnwrapper, related methods HibernateValidatorConfiguration#addValidationValueHandler() and HibernateValidatorContext#addValidationValueHandler() and related constant HibernateValidatorConfiguration.VALIDATED_VALUE_HANDLERS have been removed. Implement the standardized interface javax.validation.valueextraction.ValueExtractor instead (HV-1166).

    • When you have the following constraint definition @NotNull Optional<@NotNull String> value and set value to null, HV used to report 2 violations, one for each @NotNull defined. This is not the case anymore in HV 6.x, the value in the container is not extracted and validated anymore if the container is null (HV-1240).

    • Property path nodes representing the element of a validated container (e.g. when validating List<@Email String emails) are represented by the standardized node type CONTAINER_ELEMENT instead of PROPERTY* Further changes:

    • org.hibernate.validator.cfg.defs.NotBlankDef, NotEmptyDef and EmailDef create the standardized constraints @NotBlank, @NotEmpty and @Email now instead of the legacy HV-specific counter-parts (HV-1368)

    • The parameter name provider implementation org.hibernate.validator.parameternameprovider.ReflectionParameterNameProvider has been removed as it got obsolete with Bean Validation 2.0 where retrieval of parameter names via reflection is the default behavior (HV-1118).

    • An implementation of Expression Language 3.0 (JSR 341) is required now. EL 3.0 was the only version mandated by the BV 1.1 spec also before, but HV 5.x could work with EL 2 implementations. E.g. add the following dependency to your project: org.glassfish:javax.el:3.0.1-b08.

    • The configuration option hibernate.validator.constraint_mapping_contributor (deprecated in 5.3) has been removed. It was replaced by hibernate.validator.constraint_mapping_contributors which accepts a comma separated list of contributors. The constant o.h.v.HibernateValidatorConfiguration#CONSTRAINT_MAPPING_CONTRIBUTOR has also been removed and replaced by o.h.v.HibernateValidatorConfiguration#CONSTRAINT_MAPPING_CONTRIBUTORS.

    • The deprecated method ignoreAnnotations() has been removed from the constraint declaration API in favor of ignoreAnnotations(boolean) (HV-1120)

    • All the implementation classes of the annotation-processor module have been relocated to the org.hibernate.validator.ap.internal package. These classes had never been intended for public usage, no migration impact is expected. The only user facing class of that module, org.hibernate.validator.ap.ConstraintValidationProcessor, remains unchanged (HV-1396).



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  • We changed slightly the way the javax.el ExpressionFactory is initialized. Before this release, if you used a ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator, HV could be initialized with only a dependency to the javax.el API as the ExpressionFactory was not initialized at bootstrap (and it would have failed at message interpolation). As we now initialize the ExpressionFactory at bootstrap, if the ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator is used, you also need to have a javax.el implementation available. So, in the end, either you don’t use ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator at all and then you don’t need any javax.el dependency or you use a ResourceBundleMessageInterpolator and the javax.el API and an implementation are required by HV.


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  • The (experimental) notion of ConstraintDefinitionContributor has been removed from the public API. Instead the new method ConstraintMapping#constraintDefinition() should be used when constraint definitions need to be added programmatically. This change makes the API for programmatic constraint definition and declaration consistent with the XML approach for achieving the same. The following elements have been removed:

    • Interface o.h.v.spi.constraintdefinition.ConstraintDefinitionContributor

    • Constant o.h.v.HibernateValidatorConfiguration#CONSTRAINT_DEFINITION_CONTRIBUTORS

    • Method o.h.v.HibernateValidatorConfiguration#addConstraintDefinitionContributor()

    • Method o.h.v.HibernateValidatorConfiguration#getDefaultConstraintDefinitionContributor()

  • The possibility to add constraint validators by means of the Java service loader mechanism (via a META-INF/services/javax.validation.ConstraintValidator file) remains in place.

  • The configuration option hibernate.validator.constraint_mapping_contributor has been deprecated in favor of hibernate.validator.constraint_mapping_contributors which accepts a comma separated list of contributors. The constant o.h.v.HibernateValidatorConfiguration#CONSTRAINT_MAPPING_CONTRIBUTOR has been deprecated in favor of o.h.v.HibernateValidatorConfiguration#CONSTRAINT_MAPPING_CONTRIBUTORS (HV-1065)



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No migration concerns.


The method AnnotationProcessingOptions#ignoreAnnotations() has been deprecated and scheduled for removal in a future release. Use AnnotationIgnoreOptions#ignoreAnnotations(boolean) instead.


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No migration concerns.



  • The @Mod10Check and @Mod11Check constraints introduced in 5.1.0.Beta1 got an overhaul. Indeces are now always inclusive (especially the endIndex) and are always relative to the validated value, independent of ignoreNonDigitCharacters. Also checkDigitPosition got renamed into checkDigitIndex.


  • The programmatic constraint declaration API raises a ValidationException now in case the same element (type, property, method etc.) is configured more than once within the mappings used to configure one validator factory. While this was possible before, it was not recommended as it may have caused issues when e.g. configuring conflicting annotation ignore options (HV-716). Instead select any element to be configured once and apply all required configurations subsequently.

  • When building Hibernate Validator from the sources yourself, you need to use now JDK 7 and Maven 3.0.3 or later. Note that the created binaries are still Java 6 compatible (HV-619, HV-797).



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No migration concerns.


  • The Hibernate Validator CDI portable extension has been extracted from the main JAR into a separate module (HV-778). To make use of the extension, the dependency org.hibernate:hibernate-validator-cdi:5.0.0.CR5 must be added to the classpath.


No migration concerns.


  • @ValidateExecutable is reamed to @ValidateOnExecution and the ExecutableType.IMPLICIT is introduced - BVAL-437

  • MethodDescriptor#areParametersConstrained got renamed into MethodDescriptor#hasConstrainedParameters and MethodDescriptor#isReturnValueConstrained into MethodDescriptor#hasConstrainedReturnValue - BVAL-432

  • XML config element <validated-executables></validated> is renamed to <default-validated-executable-types></default> and matching BootstrapConfiguration#getValidatedExecutableTypes to BootstrapConfiguration#getDefaultValidatedExecutableTypes - BVAL-435


No migration concerns.


  • Methods of ParameterNameProvider interface return now List instead of String[] - BVAL-409

  • @CrossParameterConstraint got replaced by @SupportValidationTarget - BVAL-391


  • Renamed javax.validation.MethodValidator to ExecutableValidator; j.v.Validator#forMethods() renamed to forExecutables() (BVAL-355)

  • Made methods j.v.ExecutableValidator#validateConstructorParameters() and validateConstructorReturnValue() more usable (BVAL-358)

  • Deprecated org.hibernate.validator.messageinterpolation.ValueFormatterMessageInterpolator; the validated value can now be used within EL expressions (BVAL-223)

  • Removed annotation javax.validation.cdi.MethodValidated (BVAL-376)

  • Removed Maven archetype (HV-650)


  • This release requires Bean Validation 1.1.0.Beta2

  • Methods for method validation moved from javax.validation.Validator to MethodValidator (BVAL-310)

  • javax.validation.ConfigurationSource renamed to BootstrapConfiguration (BVAL-293)

  • Removed types deprecated in Hibernate Validator 4.3.0 (HV-584)


  • This release requires Bean Validaton 1.1 as a dependency (more concretely 1.1.0.Alpha1)

  • The custom method validation feature has been replaced by the method validation specfied by Bean Validation 1.1

  • The deprecated classes and methods from HV-561 have been removed. This means if you are using any of the affected APIs you will need to migrate


This section describes changes made in different releases of version 4.3.0. It helps you to migrate from version 4.2.0.Final to 4.3.0.Final (yet to be released) or between releases of version 4.3.0. Hibernate Validator 4.3 requires Java 6!


HV-561 introduced several deprecations (see the Javadoc for a complete deprecation list):

  • org.hibernate.validator.group.DefaultGroupSequenceProvider is deprecated and replaced by org.hibernate.validator.group.spi.DefaultGroupSequenceProvider

  • org.hibernate.validator.resourceloading.ResourceBundleLocator is deprecated and replaced by org.hibernate.validator.spi.resourceloading.ResourceBundleLocator

  • The constructor of org.hibernate.validator.cfg.ConstraintMapping is deprecated. Instances of ConstraintMapping are now created via HibernateValidatorConfiguration#createConstraintMapping()

  • The package org.hibernate.validator.method with its containing classes is deprecated without alternative for now. In Hibernate Validator 5 this package will be removed to align with Bean Validation 1.1. The method level validation methods will then be available via javax.validation.Validator.

  • org.hibernate.validator.internal.util.LazyValidatorFactory is deprecated and will be removed in HV 5


This is the first release after Hibernate Validator 4.2.0.Final and backwards compatible. However, the used logging framework has changed to JBoss Logging. This means org.jboss.logging:jboss-logging is now a required runtime dependency replacing org.slf4j:slf4j-api. You can still use slf4j, log4j or Java Logging though. JBoss Logging is only an additional layer which allows to internationalize (i18n) the logging and exception messages as well as provinding unique ids for these messages. Under the hood JBoss Logging will use the logging framework of your choice to log the messages.

Hibernate Validator now requires a Java 6 runtime.


This section describes changes made in different releases of version 4.2.0. It helps you to migrate from version 4.1.0.Final to 4.2.0.Final or between releases of version 4.2.0.


This release doesn’t introduce modifications which can break your existing code if you have already migrated to version 4.2.0.CR1. If you migrate from version 4.1.0.Final the following sections gives you the changes introduced in the different releases leading to this Final version.


As you already know Hibernate Validator allows the configuration of constraints programmatically. The main feature of this release is the programmatic API allowing constraint configuration on method (HV-431). To implement this in an unambiguous way we had to make yet some more changes to the programmatic API.

Another minor modification which can impact your existing code (if you migrate from Beta2) is HV-488. If you use the method metadata API you will see that the method of MethodDescriptor named getParameterConstraints() was renamed to getParameterDescriptors() to avoid confusion.


The version Beta1 has introduced the possibility to specify constraints on methods. If you use this functionality the following changes will impact your code.

A big change introduced in this release is HV-421 which defines the behavior of parameter constraint validation. Generally a logical AND is used to combine all constraints defined within a class hierarchy on a given field or method. Doing the same for method parameter constraints, however, causes ambiguities with the definition of Programming by contract where subtypes may only weaken preconditions defined by supertypes. For this release we chose a conservative alternative which prohibit multiple parameter constraints on the same parameter within a class hierarchy.

Another minor modification is that the method MethodValidator#validateParameters() (allowing to validate all parameters of a method) was renamed to MethodValidator#validateAllParameters() (HV-415).


BVTCK-12 resp. HV-395 required a change in the javax.validation.Path implementation. Unless you iterate over the Path instance returned by Constraint.getPropertyPath() you are not affected by this change.

When creating own subclasses of ConstraintDef is it not necessary anymore to repeat the definitions of message, payload and groups. ConstraintDef uses now self-referential generic types.

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