Hibernate Validator

6.2 series stable

Keep javax.* packages, Expression Language overhaul, @SafeHtml removal


Java 8, 11 or 17
Jakarta Bean Validation 2.0
Jakarta EE 8

Not compatible with your requirements? Have a look at the other series.

See also the Compatibility policy and Maintenance policy.


Documentation for Hibernate Validator 6.2 can be accessed through the links below:


You can find more documentation for all series on the documentation page.

How to get it

Maven, Gradle...

Maven artifacts of Hibernate Validator are published to Maven Central. Most build tools fetch artifacts from Maven Central by default, but if that's not the case for you, see this page to configure your build tool.

You can find the Maven coordinates of all artifacts through the link below:

Maven artifacts

Below are the Maven coordinates of the main artifacts.

Core implementation
CDI integration
Annotation processor

All Maven artifacts of this project released after 2022-02-08 are signed.

To verify signed Maven artifacts, head to this page.

Direct download

A ZIP archive containing all JAR files, documentation and source is available from SourceForge:

Download ZIP archive

Individual Maven artifacts may be downloaded directly from the Maven repository:

Maven Central subdirectory

See here for how to download all dependencies of your Maven project to a local directory on your filesystem.

See here for how to download an explicitly listed set of artifacts to a local directory on your filesystem.

More information about specific releases (announcements, download links) can be found here.

Getting started

If you want to start using Hibernate Validator 6.2, please refer to the getting started guide:



If you need to upgrade from a previous series, please refer to the migration guide:


What's new

A detailed list of new features, improvements and fixes in this series can be found on our issue tracker.

Jakarta Bean Validation

Hibernate Validator 6.2 uses the Jakarta Bean Validation API artifact i.e. jakarta.validation:jakarta.validation-api in version 2 and with the javax.validation.* package name.

No API changes.

Expression Language overhaul

Expression Language disabled by default for custom violations.

Ability to define the Expression Language features enabled for more safety.

@SafeHtml removal

The @SafeHtml constraint marked as deprecated for a while has been dropped from the codebase.

Development versions (SNAPSHOTS)

The latest development versions of Maven artifacts for Hibernate Validator are published to the OSSRH snapshots repository.

OSSRH snapshots subdirectory

You should only need those (unstable) versions for testing recently merged patches, and should never use them in production.

To consume these artifacts, you may need to configure your build tool to fetch artifacts from https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots and to enable snapshots:

Maven Gradle

Releases in this series



ASL v2



ASL v2

More records testing and support for records in annotation processor

Maven artifacts Download Resolved issues Release announcement



ASL v2

Reliable order for composing constraints

Maven artifacts Download Resolved issues



ASL v2



ASL v2

PESEL validator fixes, Log4j 2 test dependency upgraded

Maven artifacts Download Resolved issues Release announcement



ASL v2

Expression Language overhaul, @SafeHtml removal

Maven artifacts Download Resolved issues Release announcement

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