Hibernate Validator

Releasing Hibernate Validator

Release Process

Follow these steps for an official release.


You need to have access to https://ci.hibernate.org/: the release process is now driven by CI.


  • Update the version of validation-api and tck in pom.xml if need be

  • Update the version of tck in pom.xml if need be

  • Check that everything has been pushed to the upstream repository

  • Check that CI is green for the branch you want to release

  • Before you release try the latest snapshot of Validator in Core to make sure the snapshot works in Hibernate ORM.

    • Use the HV snapshot version in libraries.gradle

    • Run either the full ORM build or hibernate-core and hibernate-entitymanager

    • A ./gradlew test in the ORM directory should be sufficient

  • Double check that distribution/pom.xml and distribution/src/main/assembly/dist.xml list and include all the right dependencies (this is especially important when dependencies changed).

  • Make sure there are no outstanding issues in Jira

  • On Jira (adjust the fixVersion) check that all the issues referenced in this version have a Component set


  • Release the Jira version

  • Do NOT update the changelog.txt and README.md, the release job does it for you.

  • Go to CI, and select the hibernate-validator-release job. Click on Build with parameters.

    • Be careful when filling the form with the build parameters.

  • Release the artifacts on the OSSRH repository manager. This is a two-steps process.

    • Log into OSSRH and examine your staging repository.

    • You can either Drop it in order to start over again or you can Close and Release it making the artifacts available in the live repository. (Click Refresh after each action)

  • Transfer the released issues in JIRA to the Closed state. You can use this search Issue Navigator - Hibernate JIRA and select another fixVersion. Once you have selected the right version, click on the button with three dots at the top right of the screen and click on Bulk update all XX issues. Use the Transition action to transition your issues from Resolved to Closed.


In the HTML version of the reference guide, some special characters and the section titles will show up not correctly when opening the file locally. This is a known issue, the documentation looks correct when retrieved via Apache.

The CI job automatically pushes the distribution to SourceForge and publishes the documentation to docs.jboss.org.


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