Hibernate Search

7.0 series limited-support

Switch to Jakarta EE / ORM 6.4 without -orm6 artifacts, Hibernate Search BOM

Hibernate Search 7.0 is in limited support mode:

  • releases may be delayed until a significant need arises;

  • bugs will only be fixed if they are considered significant enough or in the context of paid support;

  • pull requests against this version might be rejected for bugs that are not considered critical enough;

  • bug reproducers using this version will be given lower priority.

We recommend that you upgrade to a newer series if possible or look for paid support.

See also the Maintenance policy.


Java 11, 17 or 21
Hibernate ORM 6.4
Elasticsearch server 7.10 - 8.12
OpenSearch server 1.3 - 2.11
Apache Lucene 9.8

Not compatible with your requirements? Have a look at the other series.

See also the Compatibility policy and Maintenance policy.


Documentation for Hibernate Search 7.0 can be accessed through the links below:


You can find more documentation for all series on the documentation page.

How to get it

Hibernate Search 7.0 is in limited maintenance mode: we recommend that you upgrade to a newer series if possible or look for paid support.

See also the Maintenance policy.

Maven, Gradle...

Maven artifacts of Hibernate Search are published to Maven Central. Most build tools fetch artifacts from Maven Central by default, but if that's not the case for you, see this page to configure your build tool.

You can find the Maven coordinates of all artifacts through the link below:

Maven artifacts

Below are the Maven coordinates of the main artifacts.

Hibernate Search BOM
Hibernate ORM mapper
"outbox-polling" coordination strategy for the Hibernate ORM mapper
Standalone POJO mapper
Lucene backend
Elasticsearch/OpenSearch backend
Amazon IAM authentication for Elasticsearch/OpenSearch
Jakarta Batch mass indexing job for the Hibernate ORM mapper - Core
Jakarta Batch mass indexing job for the Hibernate ORM mapper - JBeret specifics
Helper for migrating from Hibernate Search 5 to Hibernate Search 6/7 (Hibernate ORM mapper + Lucene backend)

All Maven artifacts of this project released after 2022-01-26 are signed.

To verify signed Maven artifacts, head to this page.

Direct download

A ZIP archive containing all JAR files, documentation and source is available from SourceForge:

Download ZIP archive

Individual Maven artifacts may be downloaded directly from the Maven repository:

Maven Central subdirectory

See here for how to download all dependencies of your Maven project to a local directory on your filesystem.

See here for how to download an explicitly listed set of artifacts to a local directory on your filesystem.

More information about specific releases (announcements, download links) can be found here.

Getting started

Hibernate Search 7.0 is in limited maintenance mode: we recommend that you upgrade to a newer series if possible or look for paid support.

See also the Maintenance policy.

If you want to start using Hibernate Search 7.0, please refer to the getting started guide:


Standalone HTML PDF


If you need to upgrade from a previous series, please refer to the migration guide:


What's new

Latest release announcement (2024-04-10): 7.0.1.Final.

A detailed list of new features, improvements and fixes in this series can be found on our issue tracker.

Dependency upgrades


Hibernate Search is now using JDK 11 as a baseline and can work on JDK 11, 17 or 21. Compatibility with JDK 8 was dropped.

Hibernate ORM

Hibernate Search now depends on Hibernate ORM 6.4 as it fully switched to Jakarta EE. There are no -orm6/-jakarta artifacts or Java EE compatibility anymore.


The Lucene backend now uses Lucene 9.8. Upgrading requires reindexing, see the migration guide for details.


The Elasticsearch backend works with Elasticsearch 8.10/8.11/8.12 as well as other versions that were already compatible — except for the following versions whose compatibility was dropped, because they already reached their end of life:

  • 5.x/6.x

  • 7.0-7.9


The Elasticsearch backend works with OpenSearch 2.10 and 2.11 as well as other versions that were already compatible — except for versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 whose compatibility was dropped, because they already reached their end of life.

Hibernate Search BOM

Hibernate Search now offers a BOM providing dependency management for all of its published artifacts. It can be imported as part of your dependency management to keep the versions of Hibernate Search artifacts aligned:

        <!-- Import Hibernate Search BOM to get all of its artifact versions aligned: -->
        <!-- Any other dependency management entries -->
<!-- ... -->
    <!-- Declare dependencies -->
        <!-- The version is managed by the BOM above -->
        <!-- The version is managed by the BOM above -->
    <!-- Any other dependency entries -->

Amazon OpenSearch Serverless experimental compatibility

Hibernate Search now has incubating compatibility with Amazon OpenSearch Serverless.

Amazon OpenSearch Serverless has certain limitations compared to a regular OpenSearch cluster and may not support all operations a regular cluster does. Compatibility with Amazon OpenSearch Serverless must be enabled explicitly by setting the backend version property:


See this section of the reference documentation for more information, in particular about limitations.

Compatibility with Hibernate ORM’s discriminator-based multi-tenancy

Hibernate Search can now index Hibernate ORM entities that take advantage of discriminator-based multi-tenancy in the database (@TenandId).

Maven artifact renamings

Some Hibernate Search Maven artifacts have been renamed:

  • Maven artifacts related to JSR-352 artifacts were renamed to reflect the move to the Jakarta EE specification:

    • hibernate-search-mapper-orm-batch-jsr352-core was renamed to hibernate-search-mapper-orm-jakarta-batch-core.

    • hibernate-search-mapper-orm-batch-jsr352-jberet was renamed to hibernate-search-mapper-orm-jakarta-batch-jberet.

  • The artifact hibernate-search-mapper-orm-coordination-outbox-polling was renamed to hibernate-search-mapper-orm-outbox-polling.

Development versions (SNAPSHOTS)

The latest development versions of Maven artifacts for Hibernate Search are published to the OSSRH snapshots repository.

OSSRH snapshots subdirectory

You should only need those (unstable) versions for testing recently merged patches, and should never use them in production.

To consume these artifacts, you may need to configure your build tool to fetch artifacts from https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots and to enable snapshots:

Maven Gradle

Releases in this series

Hibernate Search 7.0 is in limited maintenance mode: we recommend that you upgrade to a newer series if possible or look for paid support.

See also the Maintenance policy.



LGPL v2.1

Compatibility with Elasticsearch 8.12, a few fixes and documentation updates.

How to get it

Maven artifacts Download Resolved issues Release announcement



LGPL v2.1



LGPL v2.1

Compatibility with Elasticsearch 8.11, upgrade to Hibernate ORM 6.4.0.Final, other bugfixes and improvements

Maven artifacts Download Resolved issues Release announcement



LGPL v2.1

Compatibility with Hibernate ORM’s discriminator-based multi-tenancy, compatibility with Elasticsearch 8.10 and OpenSearch 2.9/2.10/2.11, dropped compatibility with EOL’d Elasticsearch versions 7.0-7.9 and OpenSearch versions 1.0-1.2, upgrade to Hibernate ORM 6.3.1.Final, upgrade to Lucene 9.8, some Maven artifact renamings, other bugfixes and improvements

Maven artifacts Download Resolved issues Release announcement



LGPL v2.1

JDK 11 as a baseline, switch to Jakarta EE, compatibility with ORM 6.3 without -orm6 artifacts, upgrade to Lucene 9 in the Lucene backend, published Hibernate Search BOM, experimental compatibility with Amazon OpenSearch Serverless, dropped compatibility with EOL’d Elasticsearch versions 5.x - 6.x, other bugfixes and improvements

Maven artifacts Download Resolved issues Release announcement

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