Hibernate ORM

Documentation - 5.4

Guides and such

Getting Started Guide

A quickstart-style guide with tutorials. See also the Obtaining Hibernate section discussing the Hibernate artifacts and how to obtain them.

Migration Guide

Migration guide covering migration to 5.4 from the previous version

User Guide

Guide covering most user facing concepts and APIs of Hibernate

Integrations Guide

Guide covering topics of interest for developers looking to develop integrations with Hibernate.

Hibernate JavaDoc

The Hibernate JavaDocs

WildFly, updating in

Guide to update WildFly 12 to use the latest version of Hibernate ORM 5.4

JPA 2.2 JavaDoc

The JPA (2.2) JavaDocs



GitHub-hosted wiki

Wiki hosted at GitHub

JBoss-Developer wiki

Old wiki hosted at JBoss.org. Mostly out-of-date content.


Brett did a few interesting presentations available on Slideshare:

If you are interested in Hibernate Performance Tuning, check out Vlad’s presentation:

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